Mess or No Mess?

The first day with your new family member is always exciting he/she is sniffing around looking cute and wagging it’s tail a happy sign for a dog. Then with many clues givenyour dog pees or poops depending on the timing? All of a sudden the dog isn’t cute any more and now has become a problem! That is when you either call people like me or you look for tips on how to potty train. I never understood why it’s called potty, because they are definitely not going in the toilet although that could be a cool trick, maybe in a future blog. Anyways, once you bring your dog home always ask who you got the dog from when was the last time they ate/drank. Typically, after an hour from any consumption you want to take them out and always to the same area you want them doing their business at. And once they poop or pee say with excitement and joy “Pottyyyy” and give them a treat. This creates a name for said action and also begins training. It takes consistency every time the dog goes “Pottyyyy” treat, and lead to same area to potty and before you know it your dog will automatically let you know its potty time and then you let them out and in their usual area he/she goes potty, so, clean up, and carry on!

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